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极品飞车手机版下载-GOP governor reveals why he ordered schools to bar transgender athletes from girls sports

时间:2024-09-20 08:53:57 来源:继继绳绳网 作者:知识 阅读:946次
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close 'Deeply misogynistic': Riley Gaines rails against transgender golfer on verge of joining LPGAVideo

'Deeply misogynistic': Riley Gaines rails against transgender golfer on verge of joining LPGA

Former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines details her plan to testify at the Georgia Capitol with other NCAA athletes and reacts to comments made by transgender golfer Hailey Davidson.

Idaho Gov. Brad Little sent a message to his state's schools Wednesday when he issued an executive order to carry out the Defending Women's Sports Act. It was the latest move in a national effort to prevent biological men from competing in women’s sports in response to attempted changes to Title IX by the Biden-Harris administration. 


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